Blue Planet Care Service

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Our BLUE PLANET SERVICEs includes Carbon Accounting, facilities Climate Active Certification of your organisation and leads your organisation to be a CARBON NEUTRAL ORGANISATION

Climate Active

Climate Active Certification is available for:

Climate Active facilitates: 

The context for the need for CLIMATE ACTIVE Certification and to be CARBON NEUTRAL ORGANISATION

Carbon – the omnipresent element of nature

Climate Active

Carbon – the omnipresent element of nature

Carbon is omnipresent. It is one of nature’s essential building blocks. Carbon is profoundly important in the universe. We are all made from carbon and live in a carbon world.  Under extreme temperatures, Carbon forms at the core of stars in the universe. At the core of the star, Helium forms out of Hydrogen atoms. When two Helium atoms stick together, they form Beryllium.
Beryllium is highly unstable and does not last long. As it forms, it tends to disintegrate instantly, and at that very moment or at that fraction of a second, out of mere chance, if another Helium atom hits it, then Carbon is formed. Carbon is released into the universe as stars die. Carbon is the most abundant element in the universe after Hydrogen and Helium. A fifth of our body is made out of Carbon. We are all technically Stardust.
In the context of Climate Change, Carbon is not the problem. We must learn about the carbon cycle and how to reduce the present carbon imbalance created by human activities. Hence, we need to learn how to maintain the carbon equilibrium of nature for sustainable life on Earth.

Carbon Accounting – is an important first step to combat Climate Change

We are in an era of Carbon Imbalance

Earth’s climate has gone through many roller-coaster peaks and declines. However, about 7,000 to 5,000 years ago, the climate stabilized, and over the past 7,000 years, the temperature only changed by 0.5 degrees centigrade. Because of this incredibly stable Earth’s temperature and climatic conditions, human civilizations were able to blossom.
Scientific evidence shows that between 8,000 to 6,000 years ago, greenhouse gas levels remained stable or declined. However, greenhouse gases have risen slowly over the last 6,000 years as humans have begun clearing forests and burning fuels. It is believed that early human activities reversed the decline of greenhouse gases and stopped the eventuality of another ice age. In that respect, human-induced climate change started much earlier than we currently believe.
An estimate highlights that we have released over 600 billion tones of trapped carbon into the atmosphere due to burning these fossil fuels.
With ever-increasing concentrations of anthropogenic greenhouse gases (Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide, Hydrofluorocarbons, Sulphur hexafluoride, and Nitrogen Trifluoride) in the atmosphere, the global average temperature increased by 1 degree Celsius in 2015 above pre-industrial temperatures (as recorded between 1880-1899).
In this context, the Paris Agreement  in 2015 urged the community to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared with pre-industrial levels.
The current rise in the global average temperature by 1 degree Celsius above pre-industrial levels is already similar to or warmer than the peak temperature of the earlier Holocene epoch, which was around 8,000 to 7,000 years ago.
To reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions is a global objective. The Paris Agreement is the first legally binding international treaty to limit greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. To successfully reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change, carbon accounting and sustainable finance are new ways forward.
Under the Paris Agreement, countries must submit their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) – a plan for climate action by 2020. By 2024, counties need to establish an Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) to report transparently on actions to advance climate change mitigation processes, adaption measures, and support for climate change.
The individual country’s ETF  report will be collated to track a global stock take on the progress toward long-term action against climate change. Sustainable Development Goal 13 on Climate Action is also a significant global commitment.
In addition, the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) also recommended reporting on climate-related financial information. These three formal institutional pressures created a global obligation and commitment to measure our greenhouse gas emissions and to account for how much we are releasing previously trapped carbon into the atmosphere.
Carbon emissions can be both direct and indirect. Emissions that are produced from sources within the reporting organization’s boundary or as a result of an organization’s activities are called Direct Emissions.
Example: Emissions due to the heating of a boiler, energy generation, transportation of materials, manufacturing, onsite landfill, methane release from coal mines, and gas leaks from joints and seals.
On the other hand, if emissions happen because of a reporting organization’s demand for goods and services or due to upstream and downstream value chain activities, those are called indirect emissions.
Hence, indirect emissions are all embedded in goods and services or the value chain of the reporting entity. For example, the consumption of electricity, upstream emissions from extraction and production of fossil fuels, downstream emissions during transportation of an organization’s product to customers, and emissions from contracted/outsourced activities.

for Carbon Accounting & Carbon Accounting Validation Climate Active Registration and Road to Carbon Neutral Organization

Climate Active is an Australia Government initiative to encourage Australian entities to disclose voluntarily about their emission and steps taken to be a Carbon Neutral Organization.
Being a Carbon Neutral organization, your organization will fulfil global commitment toward Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goal-13: CLIMATE ACTION.
Carbon neutrality includes emission reduction actions and buying carbon offsets to eliminate residual emissions. The first steps to achieving carbon neutrality include adopting strategies to reduce emissions from internal activities and from the supply chain.
The internal emissions reduction strategies include:
Steps include:
Emission reduction strategies for the supply chain include:


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